Workshop: European Understandings of Advance Decision-Making - Implications for Policy and Research
10th September 2018 Wellcome Collection, London, UK
The workshop will take place on 10th September 2018 10.30 - 5pm, in the Franks Room at the Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE. This is a free event, lunch and refreshments will be provided.
In this one-day workshop we are going to share the findings of our ESRC funded project Towards a European understanding of advance decision-making: a comparative, interdisciplinary approach. We have collected together experts in this field for a day’s discussion exploring the issues involved, considering the promise of advance decisions, the problems that occur in practice and proposals for change.
Registration for the workshop is free, but compulsory. Numbers are limited and early registration is highly recommended. Please register via Eventbrite:
Bursaries will be available to fund travel and accommodation costs for PhD students – please email if you wish to apply for financial support. The conference is aimed at both academic and professional attendees.
Programme: European Understandings of Advance Decision-Making – Implications for Policy and Research
Abstracts and information about the speakers
Dr Andreas Dimopoulos, Brunel University London, ‘Advance Directives, Intellectual Disability, and Universal Legal Capacity: An Inconsistency of Approach?’
Professor Samantha Halliday, University of Huddersfield: "Mental Illness and Pregnancy: Can Birth Plans Offer an Alternative to Court Authorised Obstetric Intervention?’
Professor Jean McHale, University of Birmingham: “Advance decisions, the Law Commission and the Mental Capacity Act 2005: 13 years on are we really any further forward?”
Dr Kristian Pollock, University of Nottingham “Difficult conversations: how policy meets practice in Advance Care Planning for the end of life.”
Professor Jörg Richter, University of Hull “Attitudes Towards Patient Autonomy in End-of-Life Decisions: A Systematic Comparative Review from the UK, the Netherlands, and Germany.”
Professor Jo Samanta, De Montfort University: "Lasting powers of attorney, advance decisions and statements of wishes: an optimal triumvirate for advance care planning?"
Catherine Stanbury, University of Huddersfield: "What does a lawyer know about my medical needs? Exploring the role of the lawyer in preparing a modern Lasting Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare"
The event will close with a discussion of the unmet potential of advance decisions, the benefits of advance decisions and broader advance care planning and lessons that might be learnt from our European neighbours.
Convenors: Professor Samantha Halliday and Dr Nataly Papadopoulou